Changes to Welding Certification Requirements
20 Sep, 2024
The Certification Requirements for Welding Inspection have been updated and re-approved by the Board.
Key changes are summarised here: Welding.
CBIP AGM 2024 - 19th June 10.30am
6 Jun, 2024
CBIP will hold the AGM at 10.30am on 19th June 2024.
A link to this meeting below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 7210 0839
Passcode: 547248
Attached is a copy of the Agenda and Minutes from the last AGM held 19th July 2023.
Governance Board Elections 2024
7 May, 2024
To All CBIP Members
Please find your link to the CBIP voting form and information about each candidate seeking election onto CBIP’s Governance Board. Please read this information before selecting your votes.
Conditions: -
- Vote for ONE (1) candidate
- CBIP Members and those holding a current Competence Certificate are eligible to vote.
- If you are unsure whether you are eligible to vote, please contact the CBIP Operations Manager at cbip@cbip.co.nz.
- Voting papers received later than 5.00pm Friday 31st May will not be counted.
- Invalid or incomplete voting papers will not be counted.
Constitution Changes to align with Incorporated Societies Ac
27 Feb, 2024
All CBIP Members
This is advanced notification that changes will be made to CBIP’s Constitution in 2024.
You may be aware that CBIP is an Incorporated Society governed by New Zealand legislation. The former Government revised the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. The new Incorporated Societies Act 2022 became active in October 2023. Incorporated Societies Act 2022
To continue to operate as an incorporated society, CBIP must successfully re-register by 5 April 2026. This is a lengthy process and will commence with the re-write of CBIP’s constitution to align with the requirements of the new Act.
As members of CBIP, the Incorporated Society, you are invited to have input into the Constitution re-write. The Board welcomes your feedback on what you think should or should not be included. To prepare you for this process, you can access CBIP’s current Constitution via the website. CBIP Constitution 2021 Revision 5
The Board is being guided by CBIP’s legal representative and will keep CBIP members informed as the Constitution re-write progresses. The process to receive your feedback is yet to be determined but please be aware that we will need to set tight timelines for receiving feedback.
I will inform you of further details in due course.
Kind regards
Bryn George
CBIP Board Chair
Power Lift Inspection
30 Jan, 2024
CBIP is no longer accepting applications for certification of power lift inspectors. Please direct any communications to CBIP’s Chairperson via the enquiries portal on CBIP’s Website.
Use of Certification Marks Logos Symbols - Rev 01
13 Nov, 2023
CBIP have updated the Use of Certification Marks Logos Symbols p & p.
The main changes are:
- Provide conditions for the use of all Certification Marks Logos and Symbols
- Clarity around what and where the Use Certification Marks Logos Symbols apply.
- Responsibilities for monitoring the Use Certification Marks Logos Symbols.
- How Certification Marks Logos Symbols can be used
- How individuals wanting to use Certification Marks Logos Symbols can apply
- Read here Use of Certification Marks Logos Symbols
Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics
2 Oct, 2023
The Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics has been updated 1st September 2023.
Read here: Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics
Cranes and Welding Certification Standards
22 Sep, 2023
The Certification Standards for Welding Inspection and Cranes Inspection have been reviewed and re-approved by the Board.
Key changes are summarised here: Welding and Cranes.
Please note that the Board has established an Examinations Working Group to review competence requirements and examinations for all disciplines. Further changes to all certification standards will be made and published on completion.
CBIP AGM held July 2023
25 Aug, 2023
Read the minutes here
***ANNOUNCEMENT*** CBIP Chair person
25 May, 2023
CBIP would like to announce the new Chair for the Governance Board, Bryn George. CBIP would like to thank Bryn for stepping up to this role.
Bryn is widely known in the engineering inspection industry and has been part of the CBIP Governance board since elected in 2021.
Governance Board Elections 2023
3 Apr, 2023
Good Afternoon Members
In accordance with CBIP Constitution 2021 Section 7. CBIP Members are invited to submit nominations for one vacant position on the CBIP Governance Board. Each member of the Governance Board has a term of office of three (3) years and then must retire, but may be available for re-election.
Nominations for Governance Board members can be made by any member or associate member of the Society.
All Nominees will undergo a formal assessment by CBIP nominations committee for acceptance in accordance with Governance Board Nomination Criteria. Existing board members and co-opted board members are eligible for nomination.
If there are more nominations than vacant positions the Governance Board must be elected from the pool of accepted nominations via a ballot either postal or email, with each member and associate member having one vote. In the case of a draw the position must be filled by a toss of a coin by the Chairman at the AGM following the election, or in the presence of the auditor.
Successful candidates will be formally announced and ratified at CBIP AGM 19th July 2023.
Please click here to download the documents for nomination criteria and instructions.
Resignation of Malcolm Kelsen Chairperson
16 Mar, 2023
CBIP Governance Board announce the Resignation of Malcolm Kelsen as Chairperson and member of the Governance Board. CBIP would like to thank Malcolm for his contribution and dedication to CBIP for the past 10 years and wish him all the best with his future business opportunities.
Jack Mains Deputy Chairperson will fulfil this position until a new Chairperson can be appointed.